
Elena Loutskina| 26.08.2017
Drilling and Debt
The Seventh International Conference in Economics and Finance
The Seventh International Conference in Economics and Finance was organized
The Seventh International Conference in Economics and Finance took place in Minsk on August 26, 2017
Maryia Akulava in Belarusian Yearbook 2017
The article of Maria Akulova "Foreign Investment: Measures To Improve The Investment Climate" was published in Belarusian Yearbook 2017
Dzmitry Kruk in Belarusian Yearbook 2017
The article of Dzmitry Kruk "Macroeconomic Situation: Locked In Recession" was published in Belarusian Yearbook 2017
The Seventh Student School in Modern Economics
BEROC organized the Seventh Student School in Modern Economics in September-October 2017.
The End Of A Long-Lasting Recession? – Digest Of The Belarusian Economy
On 17 May 2017, Belstat, Belarus's official statistical body, announced that Belarus's economy is growing for the second straight month. Thus, on 24 May, Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashka declared new investment plans for the industrial sector assuming further economic recovery. Nevertheless, the economic environment remains complex and the debt burden of enterprises is high, threatening the stability of the banking system.