
Waiting For A Miracle: Digest Of Belarus Economy
On 28 March 2016 the Council of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilisation and Development (EFSD) approved the provision of a new loan to Belarus. In the meantime, the export and real estate market established new numbers of their record fall, questioning the limits of slowdown in Belarus. In such a situation the government tries to secure state financial support – President Alexander Lukashenka has signed a new decree that grants funding only for profitable strategic investment projects.
Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan| 31.03.2016
FREE Policy Brief: The Economic Complexity of Transition Economies
FREE Policy Brief: The Economic Complexity of Transition Economies written by Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan was published in FREE Policy Brief Series.
The Moment Of Truth: Digest Of Belarus Economy
On 16 February 2016, President Alexander Lukashenka announced zero tolerance for structural reforms being proposed by the government. Meanwhile, since the beginning of 2015 state debt has increased by more than half and real wages in dollar equivalent have fallen to a ten year low. Belarus's government is still trying to find a simple way out of the crisis by releasing new development plans while waiting for credit from the IMF and Russia.
Studying V4 and Georgia Experience in the Field of Administrative Reforms
Two-day international conference "Studying V4 and Georgia experience in the field of administrative reforms to facilitate economic development in Belarus" was held in Minsk.
Economic Trends in Belarus
Two-day international conference "Studying V4 and Georgia experience in the field of administrative reforms to facilitate economic development in Belarus"