
What is Good, Bad, and What Could be Done with Gender Equality in Belarus
Development Day 2018 – Gender Equality and Economic Development: From Research to Action
Presentation by Lev Lvovskiy at Development Day 2018 – Gender Equality and Economic Development: From Research to Action
This year conference was focused on existing constraints and also highlighted initiatives that could help to create an equal society. Lev Lvovskiy, Research Fellow, represented BEROC at the conference with the Presentation "What is Good, Bad, and What Could be Done with Gender Equality in Belarus".
The chapter by Hanna Aginskaya was published in Technology Entrepreneurship
The chapter reveals that technology transfer offices (TTOs), centres for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education as important success factors for academics spin-offs and knowledge commercialisation. Practical implications for entrepreneurship university and other stakeholders and discussed.
The paper by Arevik Mkrtchyan was published in the international journal
The paper "Politicized trade: What drives withdrawal of trade preferences?" by Arevik Mkrtchyan was published in the International Journal Economics Letters
Skyrocketing economic growth and weak regional development – digest of the Belarusian economy
On 16 March 2018, the official statistical body of Belarus Belstat has announced that GDP growth in the first two month of the year has accelerated. Meantime, the weak regional development cast doubt on the sustainability of Belarusian economic growth in the future. Decreasing population number, lack of investment, and depressed business climate accompanied by low average wages play here a crucial role.