
Shrinking economic freedom and milk war with Russia – Belarusian economic digest
On 16 February 2018 Belstat, the official statistical body of Belarus, announced that GDP growth for the first month of the year had reached a new high, surpassing the previous month’s record.
State-owned enterprises threaten economic prospects – digest of the Belarusian economy
On 24 January 2018, government officials announced new plans for support to Belarusian entrepreneurs in the current year. Meanwhile, according to Belstat, the state industrial sector remains the main driver of economic growth accompanied by a strong recovery of exports. However, the absence of an acceptable strategy for solving state-owned enterprises debt problems continues to threaten financial stability and long-term economic growth.
Course on Macroeconomic Forecasting
On January 3-18, 2018 BEROC held the Course on Macroeconomic Forecasting for researchers and analysts from the Ministry of Economy and the Economy Research Institute.

The paper by Anastasia Luzgina was published in the International Journal
The paper by Anastasia Luzgina was published in the International Journal
The conference “Economic Environment for Business Development”
The "Economic Environment" is an annual event organized by IPM Business School, IPM Research Center, and BEROC.
Belarusian Investment Forum (BIF) 2017
The largest international companies with a worldwide reputation – Facebook, Microsoft Corporation, Citibank, Bank of New York Mellon, Culligan Italiana SpA and others – will take part in BIF-2017. The event will also involve the largest international investment and financial organizations and funds