
Dr. Ágnes Orosz| 17.02.2016
FDI patterns in Hungary
Two-day international conference "Studying V4 and Georgia experience in the field of administrative reforms to facilitate economic development in Belarus"
Kateryna Bornukova| 11.02.2016
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Digest Of Belarus Economy
The drop in oil prices in the first two weeks of January and the resulting volatility of the Belarusian rouble have taken centre stage.
Kateryna Bornukova| 18.01.2016
2016 Will Be Tough, Reforms Or No Reforms
After several years of slow growth, 2015 became the first year of true recession. GDP fell by 3.9 per cent in January-November; employment declined over the year. The Belarusian rouble depreciated by almost 60 per cent.
Uldis Rutkaste| 11.12.2015
Lessons from Latvia's Internal Adjustment Strategy
Workshop Series ”Managing Financial Crisis: Lessons from Finland, Sweden, and Latvia”
Göran Lind| 11.12.2015
How to Deal with a Banking Crisis
Workshop Series ”Managing Financial Crisis: Lessons from Finland, Sweden, and Latvia”
Lars Nyberg| 11.12.2015
Lessons from Sweden
Workshop Series ”Managing Financial Crisis: Lessons from Finland, Sweden, and Latvia”