
Seppo Honkapohja| 11.12.2015
Managing financial deregulation: lessons from Finland, with comparisons to other Nordic countries
Workshop Series ”Managing Financial Crisis: Lessons from Finland, Sweden, and Latvia”
Study Tour to Georgia
On November 26-27, 2015 Belarus delegation visited Georgia to see economic reforms in action within a study tour hosted by PMCG
Belarus Delegation Visited Georgia to See Economic Reforms in Action
On November 26-27, an official delegation from Belarus visited Georgia to learn more about efficient reforms in tax administration, E-governance, and public services.
Exchange Rate, Imports of Intermediate and Capital Goods and GDP Growth in Belarus
Open Lecture ”Exchange Rate, Imports of Intermediate and Capital Goods and GDP Growth in Belarus” by Aleh Mazol
New Policies On Deposits, Waiting For Foreign Money - Digest Of Belarus Economy
On 20 November 2015 Belstat, the official statistical body, released the updated macro-economic statistics. Disappointing figures on exports and manufacturing suggest that the economic downturn in Belarus continues.
Progressing Recession Deteriorates Quality Of Debts
On 27 October, the Belarusian statistical office released revised GDP data. The government actually bets on a quick revival of the economy and bails-out some firms and industries through expanding its own debt.