
Kiryl Rudy| 02.06.2015
State Capitalism in Belarus: Changing Role in Economics and Finanсе
The Fifth Annual International Conference in Economics and Finance
Kateryna Bornukova| 24.03.2015
Belarus Chose Internal Devaluation As New Anti-Crisis Policy - Digest Of Belarusian Economy
In an attempt to fixate and extend the effects of currency devaluation, the Belarusian government and the National Bank have chosen internal devaluation as its leading policy. Internal devaluation means lower incomes and a more prudent fiscal and monetary policy will follow. But can internal devaluation serve as an alternative to structural reforms in Belarus? And, most importantly, can the authorities truly commit to tightening up their policies in presidential election year and facing threats of unemployment?
The New Economics Without Oil – Belarus Economy Digest
Belarus is reeling from the effects of the wobbling oil price and Western-imposed sanctions on Russia. The economy is now paying for the absence of liberal reforms through a decrease in manufacturing, the depreciation of the national currency and the need for budget cuts. The lack of good economic and political news suggests that the recovery will take a long time. But approaching the bottom provides an opportunity to fix bad economic policies and to build a new economic structure using innovative technologies.
The Government Is Preparing For A Recession – Belarus Economy Digest
For 2015, any positive growth would be considered a great success for the Belarusian authorities. Apart from external shocks, several structural challenges have emerged. A spike in inflation, deeper depreciation of the national currency, the distress of the banking industry, and growing unemployment have all become urgent issues that must be addressed. The government is trying to formulate a coherent response to all of these issues. So far the signals from the government suggest it is going to focus on tools of direct administrative control.
The Russian Contagion Spreads To Belarus - Belarus Economy Digest
Belarus's GDP growth managed to strengthen in November. But despite this, many signals about an upcoming downturn have appeared. The Russian economic contagion began to spread to Belarus through trade and informational channels. The government reacted by introducing a de-facto 30% devaluation that was accomplished in a rather ‘creative’ manner. But this decision seems to be more like a short-term relaxation than anything else, while further adjustments have become inevitable.