
Classes of the IV Student School in Modern Economics Began on November 1, 2014
Belarusian Economic Research and Outreach Center (BEROC) in cooperation with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands launched the IV Student School in Modern Economics in Minsk on November 1, 2014.
Kateryna Bornukova| 24.10.2014
The Unwanted Economic Union In Exchange For Money – Digest Of The Belarusian Economy
The main economic events for October in Belarus revolve around Russia: the ratification of the Eurasian Economic Union, the continued fighting over the re-export of banned European foodstuffs to Russia, and, finally, an argument over Russia’s oil tax manoeuvre. Russia’s actions, both political and economic, further complicate the situation with the Belarusian economy, which is exhibiting subpar growth for the third year in a row. Ironically, its troubled economy is forcing the Belarusian government to seek even more assistance from Russia.
Anastasia Luzgina| 25.09.2014
Outlook For Inflation Improves, Reserves And Income Grow - Belarus Economic Digest
Price increases for regulated goods and services, as well as the abolition of price regulations on meat had a stimulating effect on inflation in Belarus. In the first half of 2014 a gradual reduction of Belarus' foreign currency reserves occurred as a result of significant foreign debt service payments. But over the summer this year external and internal borrowing and foreign currency purchasing by the National Bank had a positive influence on the volume of foreign currency reserves. Although the growth of real wages in the first half of 2014 slowed down, it remains in the green. Increases in real income helped to reduce the number of households with incomes below the national poverty line.
| 26.08.2014
Sanctions As New Opportunity, Less State Support For The Economy – Belarus Economy Digest
The National Bank continues to gradually reduce its refinancing rate. The latest reduction, which occurred in August 2014, may help make receiving financing for legal entities easier. And yet, despite their best intentions, these steps contribute to the accumulation of macroeconomic imbalances in the country. An analysis of the pros and cons have forced the Belarusian authorities to come up with an agreement that will normalise trade relations with Ukraine. The possibility of a real deterioration in their mutual trade relations has encouraged the officials in Minsk to push for the removal of all announced limitations imposed on Ukraine.
Master Class ”Corporate Financial Policy: the Optimal Composition of Debt and Equity Financing”
Belarusian Economic Research and Outreach Center BEROC organized a two class series "Corporate Financial Policy: the Optimal Composition of Debt and Equity Financing” by Elena Loutskina, PhD (University of Virginia), that took place at IBB on August 8, 2014.
Postgraduate School 2013-2014
In 2013-2014 academic year BEROC held the Third Postgraduate School in Economics for Belarusian scholars.