
Evgeniya Shershunovich|Irina Tochitskaya| 17.09.2018
Waste Statistics in Belarus: Tight Spots and Broad Scope for Work
The paper presents a study of waste statistics in Belarus based on the examination of Belarusian and European legislation, statistical reporting forms, and databases. The study reveals that the Belarusian statistics on waste faces three types of problems: those associated with the methodology, recording and coverage, and insufficient degree of international comparability of data, in particular, with the European Union countries.
| 14.09.2018
Women in Belarus’ Business: features, motivation and barriers
This policy paper looks at who are women in Belarus’ business, are there any gender differences that impact on the effectiveness and successfulness of business. The study also analyses the external and internal factors that impede business development and motives to enter business. The main barriers that face women entrepreneurs are related to the quality of the functioning entrepreneurial ecosystem. However, equally important role is played by the preservation of the traditional division of social roles in terms of household work and childcare sharing. As the results show, the majority of female business owners no longer perceive as a norm the current state of affairs.
Viktar Fedaseyeu| 01.09.2018
The Value of Corporate Political Connections: Evidence from Sudden Deaths
We present new causal estimates of firm-value benefits generated by political connections. Our identification strategy uses sudden deaths of U.S. Representatives and Senators as a source of exogenous variation.
|Torbjörn Becker| Helena Schweiger|Bas B. Bakker|Tymofiy Mylovanov| 17.08.2018
The future of CIS and CEE countries
This article is based on a panel discussion on the future of transition countries 25 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. All the contributors have long professional and personal experience of various aspects of the transition process so far and provide different perspectives on what to expect for the region in the future.